LiveCaptureLiveCapture Virtual User GuideDownload PDF
Introduction : Deploying LiveCapture Virtual on KVM : Virtual Machine Manager deployment
Virtual Machine Manager deployment
To deploy an LiveCapture Virtual instance using the Virtual Machine Manager:
1. Download the LivePCA_Virtual_KVM_*.tar.gz package from LiveAction to the desired KVM host machine.
2. Determine the image store location. The recommended location for RedHat and Ubuntu is /var/lib/libvirt/images. In this guide, the following path is used:
sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/libvirt/images/livepca
3. Extract the two raw disk images from LivePCA_Virtual_KVM_*.tar.gz and archive to your desired image store location.
sudo tar xvzf LivePCA_Virtual_KVM_*.tar.gz -C /var/lib/libvirt/images/livepca
4. To open Virtual Machine Manager, click Applications > System Tools > Virtual Machine Manager.
5. On the File menu, click New Virtual Machine to launch the New VM wizard.
6. Choose how to install the operating system and architecture options, and then click Forward:
Select Import existing disk image
Architecture: Select x86_64
7. Provide storage and OS details, and then click Forward:
Provide the existing storage path: Browse to the disk1.img file extracted above (for example, /var/lib/libvirt/images/omni-virtual/disk1.img)
OS type: Select Linux
Version: Select Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
8. Choose Memory and CPU settings, and then click Forward:
Memory (RAM): Select 16384 MiB
CPUs: Select 8
9. Assign a name to the VM, select the network selection, and then click Finish:
Name: Type a name for the virtual machine
Customize configuration before install: Select this check box.
IMPORTANT: Make sure to select the Customize configuration before install check box.
Network selection: Select Bridge network so that the management port can have its own assigned IP address.
10. From the side menu, select Overview:
Firmware: Select BIOS.
11. Click Apply to save the changes.
12. From the side menu, select CPUs:
Select Copy host CPU configuration.
13. Click Apply to save the changes.
14. From the side menu, select Disk 1:
Disk bus: Select VirtIO.
Cache mode: Select none.
15. Click Apply to save the changes.
16. From the side menu, select Add Hardware and then select Storage in the Add New Virtual Hardware menu.
Select Select or create custom storage and click Manage to browse to the path of the disk2.img file extracted above (for example, /var/lib/libvirt/images/omni-virtual/disk2.img)
Device type: Select Disk device.
Bus type: Select VirtIO.
Advanced options: Select none for cache mode.
17. Click Finish.
18. From the side menu, select NIC:
Network source: Select your management port network source.
Device model: Select VirtIO.
19. Click Apply to save the changes.
20. From the side menu, select Add Hardware and then select Network in the Add New Virtual Hardware menu.
Network source: Select the primary network source from where you are capturing traffic.
Device model: Select VirtIO.
21. Click Finish to add the new capture interface.
22. Click Begin installation (upper left).
Virtual Machine Manager configures and automatically boots the LiveCapture Virtual machine.
23. Log in from the console using the default credentials (admin/admin).
24. Use the following command to determine the management port’s IP address:
ifconfig eth0
25. You can proceed to configuring Ethernet and NTP server settings for the LiveCapture Virtual machine. See Configuring Ethernet settings by command script on page 30 and Configuring an NTP server on page 31.
26. You can begin using LiveCapture Virtual as a virtual appliance.